
Steph’s Memory Box


配乐:それでも、生きてゆく オリジナル・サウンドトラック – 09 – ピアノ協奏曲第2番


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Don’t Fall! If Fall, Don’t Panic! Something Big, Maybe Good, Gonna Happen! Hang On Tight!


配乐:Okuribito (Memory) from “Departures” O.S.T By by Joe Hisaishi and London Sympohny Orchestra. As it says, this is the melody of the afterlife.好音乐就是让人觉着什么都是悲剧,却又能让人哀而不伤,心平气和,心甘情愿地沐浴在人生原本苍凉的底色里。。。

一年以后重出人人江湖,发现。。。不生不熟的80后依然不生不熟着,尼玛的网络世界已经是90后的了。。。。google+上的名字改回来了,我想,新生要从心开始,而不是名字。。。有些事情是改变不了的,只能改变你对其的态度。。。如同无间道里那句著名的台词,往往都是事情改变人,人却改变不了事情。。。想想一年以后我将在哪里。。。一年以后,对,就当你的人生就只剩一年的时光,就像去年的这个时候一样。。。人在面对困境和死亡的时候,灵魂会充满求生的欲望与反省自我的自觉意识,这时候的人柔弱而又勇敢,机警而又天真,宽恕别人,也宽恕自己,生死一念间的顿悟,会让你想明白你几十年都想不明白甚至不敢想的事情。。。。。我想大概也是因为如此,老祖宗会有“大难不死,必有后福“的俗语,这个”福“不是外界给予的,而是源于内在,源于人的精神经过痛苦的洗礼,变得更加纯粹之后的 simplicity & peace of mind 以及放下执念以后的light heart 。。。纵使现实世界再让人失望,只因你曾到达临界,你会觉着人生里不会有什么会比失去希望更让人痛苦的了。。。借用张小娴的一句话:当你了解人生,你几乎沒有不快乐的理由,你却也沒有特別兴奋的理由。

《悲情城市》的影评,原声和原片 完整汇总,算是了却了四年前的一个心愿。



四年前的中文影 评:Tony和他的悲情城市

“A City of Sadness” Review: Tony & His City of Sadness

A City of  Sadness Trailer (Japanese Version) 我也觉着奇怪,但网路上确实没有中文版的预告片

A City of Sadness was directed by Hsiao-hsien Hou(侯孝贤) and awarded Golden Lion in Venice Film Festival (威尼斯电影节金狮奖)in 1990. Tony Leung Chiuwai (梁朝伟)played a dumb man (聋哑摄影师)in the film.

The film tells the story of a family embroiled in the tragic “White Terror” that was wrought on the Taiwanese people by the Kuomintang government (KMT) after their arrival from mainland China in the late 1940s, during which thousands of Taiwanese were rounded up, shot, and/or sent to prison.

The film was the first to deal openly with the KMT’s authoritarian misdeeds after its 1945 turnover of Taiwan from Japan, and the first to depict the 228 Incident of 1947, in which thousands of people were massacred.

The film is regarded as the first installment in a trilogy of films that deal with Taiwanese history, which also includes The Puppetmaster (1993) and Good Men, Good Women (1995).

(source: Wikipedia)



1 A City of Sadness Theme

2 A City of Sadness~ Theme of “BUNSEI”(文清)

3 A City of Sadness~ Theme of “HIROMI”(宽美)

4 A City of Sadness 高清完整版 共15个剪辑

Background Music: 志明与春娇 by 五月天





这样多少有点神经质。对大多数人来说,并不存在一个绝对不可替代的the one。否则的话,这个世界会麻烦许多。小的时候,小到我才第一次思考爱情这回事的时候,我就对一个问题百思不得其解:你喜欢一个人,而这个人在茫茫人海中又恰巧喜欢你,这是多么大的一个巧合啊!而幼小的我放眼望去,这个世界上充斥着不可胜数的一对对巧合。


比如说,深夜陪你聊天,闲暇陪你娱乐,工作学习相互鼓励,人情冷暖相互慰藉,生理需要相互解决。然后买房结婚,构筑家庭,生儿育女,传宗接代。老了之后相互扶持,终了一生。这些都只是些伴侣给你带来的效用而已。这个过程中,肯定会产生感情,不过这个感情的基础来自于这些过程当中一点一滴的积累,而不是来自于对方本身。换句话说,换一个人,你照样可以和他她积累起深厚的感情。而关键就看谁最先开始和你开启这段旅程(first come, first serve)。
















当然,我并不是说我永远不会放弃,面对对方已婚的事实,地理上的差距,个人健康状况的不允许,还有各类天灾人祸,人是要 放下 转身 出口 的。。。但我绝不会像那些自以为看透了的人那样,等到将来自己的儿孙后辈面临这种类似的境遇的时候,嘲讽他们,说一些“别犯傻了,爱情这东西,就是……”之类的屁话。我会对他/她说,孩子,你娘当年也执着过,理解你的选择。。。去吧,坚持你自己的内心,我支持你。”

从Hotmail 到MSN 到Space
我有很多东西要学 也有很多缺陷要改善

Google Wave的震撼

发布者:Jiahou Li,发布时间:‎‎2009-5-30 下午7:10‎

Google Wave的震撼

Google套件即将加入新的功能 Google wave (波浪):

google-wave-logo.png今天从Google Reader上完成例行的清扫RSS feeds时,看到Fred提到了Google Wave,于是就去了Google Wave的官方网站上看了一下。正好上面有个1小时20分钟的介绍视频,放在了YouTube上,地址在这里。在国内有人上传了一份在优酷上,地址在这里


  • webmail

候,就用本地邮件客户端添加附件方便来举例。Google Wave完成了这个操作,我觉得不久Google就会整合到Gmail里面。

  • Blog

Google Wave的一大特色就是可以整合到不同的网络服务当中。在视频中,开发者演示了把Google
Wave里对文档的编辑会即时更新到blog上。而别人在blog上的留言也会即时的更新到Google Wave里面。不仅如此,作者在Google

  • RSS阅读器

Wave嵌入到blog中,而是直接发布blog,那我们就根本不需要blog了。Google Wave就是我们的blog。

  • 讨论组

自从有了Google Groups,传统的USENET似乎又一次焕发了青春。而Google
Groups就完全成为了可能。为什么说Google Wave相对与Google Groups有优势呢?我觉得是Google

  • IM软件

Gmail Chat一样,把Google Wave当作IM软件就完全解决了跨平台的问题。如果我们都通过Google

但在Google Wave里,当对方输入一个字母后,在我这里就可以同步的看到对方输入的那个字母。这样依赖对话就不会被冷冰冰的切成一块一块的了。

所有的这些唯一的要求就是:一个好的浏览器。在视频中,Google开发者使用了Google Chrome、Mozilla
Firefox和Apple Safari
Android的手机,以及iPhone都可以在浏览器里面打开Google Wave,进行操作,完全不需要客户端就可以完成移动工作。

  • 协同工作

有了Google Docs,协同工作变得更加方便了。Google Wave又更进了一步。在视频中演示了多个人同时编辑同一份文档,在对方输入的同时,本地就可以看到对方做了哪些改动。

Google Wave有playback功能,有点类似于Mac OS X的Time Machine,不过不是针对文件而是针对编辑的。Playback记录了每次对文档的编辑,因此一个新加入的成员可以直观的看到对文档编辑的进度。

目前Google Wave仅支持富文本文档文件,以后会添加对电子表格和演示文稿的支持。

  • 拼写检查器

Google Wave改进了拼写检查器。新的拼写检查器不但检查拼写错误,还检查组合错误。在视频演示中,Google Wave可以正确的分辨“bean soup”和“I have been”之间发音类似的bean和been的不同。

  • 跨语言工作

Google Wave支持多国语言。在视频中开发者演示了不同人在不同的地方同时编辑同一份文档,并输入不同国家的文字。从上面我看到了中文(显式输入中文的用户是David,我怀疑是David Wang这个人)。


上面我列出的这8条只是Google Wave的一部分功能,更详细的描述,可以看上面给出的演示视频链接。

Wave的官方网站有提交自己的电子邮件地址的功能,提交后,当Google Wave发布后Google会发送邮件提醒。








第22年 忽然发现 这世上有太多人需要你去哄 去疼
也许 我看起来还不够强悍 还不够靠谱儿
不过 你们
妈妈 我永远是你的Painkiller
那晚听着杭盖的歌 那种载歌载舞的曲调 忽然觉得一种被人群与热闹掩盖着的苍凉
那该是那些乐手前半生的底色吧 就像后来我照出的照片
四处一片黑暗 只有舞台上一个局限的空间里
一群人 在光下 闭着眼吟唱
看不清表情 也看不出当下的喜悦与悲伤  
不知为何 看见这样的画面  会觉得心里特别踏实
而 那抹昏黄 就是人与人相互依靠时的温暖
前几天忘了在哪里看见说 真正悲观的人
譬如现在 我觉得最美的东西是妈妈每周末对我诉说完一些事情后的
不过那种 相依为命 的感觉
PSY230 这男人 已经不能叫深刻了 你试过听一个非亲非故的人说话 然后忘记了时间 忘了自根儿的存在么 这是很多学生的反应 那种引力是智慧 因为让你全神贯注的不是讲话的人 而是他讲的话 这难道不是Prof的最高境界么  一个知识的传播者  让智慧遭到 严重追捧  上课成了therapy…已经不是接受知识这么简单了 说不出来的感觉 就是觉得被hit了 如果大脑皮层有痛觉感受器 230就是让人的神经细胞酸痛不已 ….
PSY336 这男人 不可被侵犯的平静 从眼神里渗出 被感染到 然后就被感动了 平静是智慧的产物 课名可译作幸福课 如果说到上完第一堂课的感觉 四个字 人生静好
STA261 这小白脸 牛人  真给给大陆80后男人长脸 合肥的那所出来的 三年在加州读完PHD 这是在北美的第九年 已经是副教授了 本学期下课问问题的女生明显增多 这也是授课水平的指标啊….
STA322 外聘的Industrial Consultant 慈眉善目的夫人 本科生和研究生一起上 同胞如雨后春笋 代沟出现了
ECO206 这西班牙男人 英语一跳一跳的 眼神含笑 不聒噪 比上一个北大老愤青 平民化多了
生活一旦单调 就会有好多类似的场景 轮回的事件 提醒人过去的存在
而一旦想到 年景好坏 终究流逝
境地难易 终会离开
就会忽然轻松 心向远方 眼望窗外
此地 一派冬景
此刻 春日尚远 有待黎明
不回头望 就不会知道 一年的光景 人走了多远
而支撑人于暗夜中前行的力量 并非乐观 而是积极
黑暗并不期待光明 苦尽也不期许甘来
未果着的 总让人不安
人与年代  当一道奔腾
1.人生三大目标;不做官,不作孽,不把孩子生国内。 (YM)
2.人要学会自己寻找一些小幸福,比如到街上看一看那些不属于自己的美女,去银行看一看那些不属于自己的钞票,到车展上看一看那些不属于自己的跑车,然后在街上找一个乞丐看,告诉自己:没关系,刚才的那些也不属于他…… (WM)
3.小时候经常听说有人因为生活压力大而自杀,那时我懂得死亡,却不明白压力是什么,现在长大了,我懂得了什么是压力,开始不明白为什么还有那么多人活着…… (WM)
昨晚上上了4个闹钟,结果 一个都没响,幸亏我留了一手,心理警戒机制——6:30自然醒,到8点扫完了Development Disorder和Health Psychology,然后攥着Sexual Disorders的Slides去地铁站。
8:30多到了BN,楼门还没开,一干人在在考场门口傻等着挨冻。老外们成群的瞎侃,落单的听Ipod。我还在临阵磨枪,地铁上人太多了,伸不开胳膊,Sexual Disorder没法看…周围一帮子叽叽呱呱的,听到最多的就是1)爆料自己近一周如何牛逼滴大猛或如何地distressed与depressed,2)慷慨激昂,唾沫四溅地对教授,试卷,论文进行不文明的痛斥,3)对即将开场的Final final的展望:翻译成中文一般都是:MD,老子TM不管丫GPA了,挂就挂,时辰到了就散伙回家…
考前最担心的这场Abnormal Psychology,竟然做的比前几门轻松,我和Maggie昨晚在图书馆猜的几个点都中了,倒是Case Study挨了一闷棍,竟然没考Schizophrenia,Somatoform and Dissociative Disorder,考的是诊断依据最模糊不清的Mood Disorder和Anxiety Disorder。事后琢磨也有道理,这美女教授是新手,以前一直搞临床,虽然研究方向是Personality Disorder,但是现实生活中最普遍的还是MD和ANX。学以致用,该是这个道理。
中午12:00点,BN-2N的广播里,传来类似日本天皇宣布战败的声音(呵呵,最近复习间隙,一直在Youtube上看《走向共和》)–混沌而充满一种解脱的意味—The final is ended~没有人欢呼,或许是没留意吧,倒是几句似乎从牙缝里挤出来的F**k听得真真切切。
听妈妈的建议,我开始步行回家,省下上体育馆的时间,同时还省了地铁票。今天的路真难走,何况还提着从Chinatown买来的菜。不过走在节日的大街上还是有很多美好的人或景象让你忘却困乏, 虽只是一些不值得描述且描述不来的细节,却于脑海中留下一种似呼吸到新鲜空气的舒畅。快乐有两个时间,创造美的时候,和捕捉到美的时候。
      看了几章美国宪政历程-25个影响美国司法的案件,印象最深的是O.J Simpson的案子——法律的公正程序高于一切,即便这种公正的程序带来的可能不是世人眼中最公正的审判结果。
      Psycho240H1学到最后才找到了规律,书上的案例也好,诊断标准也罢,杂乱背后是一个关于病态的统一主题–loss of control.许多心理问题的源头是人们的loss of control或者对loss of control的恐惧。而快乐,在书中,被简单定义成sense of control。以此看来,人类随年龄增长而愈发自觉的渺小之感,既可以是自知之明的体现,引人走向对顺其自然的彻悟,也可以是引人钻入的四壁困惑,尽头危机的牛角尖。
背景音乐Somewhere Only We Know-BY KEANE
今天卖大的新生搬家,我负责清理他们带来的纸箱子和垃圾,被告知不准乘电梯,BRANDON11层楼,跟着Ed和Jeremy上下跑了4趟,MCKAY5层楼的纸箱和垃圾,则不知道跑了几趟。校园迎来了一年中最热闹的一天,形式场景和一年前别无二致,很难相信一年前我也在COMMONS门前问COMMONS BUILDING怎么走,对着一帮跳舞唱歌迎接新生们的CA不知所措。新人变老人,校内变校外,身份不知不觉中改变了 ,一种斗转星移的感觉突袭而来,脑海中闪过许多画面,耳畔传来很多人声或音乐,鼻腔里涌上很多种气味,甚至舌尖上都流淌着某场景里食物的味道…..
上一周工人们给我开了一个欢送的PARTY, Lou以为能瞒过我,但他过分信任了我的室友,我事先得知了全部计划,然后不动声色地看着他和同僚们如何为给我惊喜而煞费苦心。室友和我后来都很后悔,因为看见他像个孩子一样诚恳的付出面临的是一个刚成年的人的带有表演性质的感动…最后的场面是,我没有留下表演性质的眼泪,甚至没有眼眶发热,我放弃了准备好的感谢及告别演说,依然像刚来这里时的样子,局促不安地,讲着带有中国味道的简单英文。那一刻,我看到他的眼睛红了,但是我没有任何动作,没有惊喜得大叫,或是冲上去拥抱,在旁边起哄的同僚们似乎有些沮丧,气氛不像煽情剧本里那样,以至于他后来问:你是不是事先知道了,是不是ANGEL告诉过你….我笑了,说没有,然后我说了谎话,很长很长。我给了自己一个借口,撒谎没啥的,只要不伤他老人家的心。
还有八卦或算命中得知的某某们的过往,悲的喜的,让人感叹生活确实比戏剧惊心动魄,我权且当未来的CASE STUDY了.
Hope everything get done in advance!
背景音乐 TURN –By Travis
New York(省)和Hamilton只隔一道瀑布,瀑布两边不同的国家也是两道截然不同的风景。还记得《北京人在纽约》的开头么:如果你爱一个人,请送他去纽约,如果你恨一个人,也请送他去纽约….我还没有亲历过纽约(省或市),只是听那边的朋友谈起过,一开始会觉得耸人听闻,后来我去了多伦多(老娘称之为纽约〈市〉的乡村版)渐渐有点明白过味儿来了….成了,我Y不再废话了,听听蹲那儿的Andy怎么说:
破公车进站后吱吱哑哑捏捏扭扭艰难地刹住 车前门上 车后门下车的时候
满眼黄出租有事没事穿梭在眼前 弄的满脸灯光 但全都满员不拉客的时候
西北风呼啸一吹 吹人一跟头 卷着沙土铺天盖地声嘶力竭地穿透你的胸膛的时候
你Y在这个时候只想看到夕阳下香山 柳叶拂西单 骑着单车上二环呢是吧
就只能看见金色的棕色的黑色的白色的花色的不同色的男女老少排排坐在地铁里,用高傲的冷漠 和尊贵的无视 吸食你Y对生活仅有的温暖
=_= 真不该这时候看,丫写的真TM好~~

Harvard Medical School Requirements for Admission (幸亏在选课前看到了)

The Faculty of Medicine accepts applications from current students in good standing and graduates of accredited colleges who:


  • Meet the minimum requirements listed below
  • Present evidence that their intellectual and personal credentials are of such quality as to predict success in the study and practice of medicine.
  • Demonstrate aptitude in the biological and physical sciences during their undergraduate years, but not to the exclusion of the humanities and social sciences.
  • Supplemented their education with at least one year of college or university training in the United States or Canada if they have completed academic work outside the United States or Canada. (Foreign students who do not have a baccalaureate or advanced degree from an institution in the United States or Canada are rarely accepted for admission.) PLEASE NOTE: Students who have been enrolled in medical school are ineligible to apply for admission to the first-year class. Students who have applied for admission to HMS on two prior occasions also are ineligible.

    General Comments Regarding Course Requirements

    The Committee on Admissions considers the level of courses when evaluating academic performance and determining a candidates suitability for medicine. We require a strong preparation in the sciences and mathematics basic to medical school studies. Candidates should take courses that are comparable to courses taken by students majoring in these subjects.

    In the final analysis, however, it is not the number of years in college or hours in a course, but the quality of education and the maturity of the student which determine readiness for medical school. At least three years of college work and a baccalaureate degree are required prior to matriculation in medical school.

    Required Course


  • 1. Biology: one year with laboratory experience. Courses taken should deal with the cellular and molecular aspects as well as the structure and function of living organisms. Advanced placement credits cannot be used to satisfy this requirement; upper level courses should be taken if granted advanced placement credits.
  • 2. Chemistry: two years with laboratory experience. Full year courses in general (or inorganic) and organic chemistry generally meet this requirement. A one semester course in organic chemistry which covers the relevant material supplemented by a semester course in biochemistry may substitute for the traditional year of organic chemistry. We will consider other options that adequately prepare students for the study of biochemistry and molecular biology in medical school. Advanced placement credits which enable a student to take an upper level course may be used to meet one semester of this requirement.
  • 3. Physics: one year. Advanced placement credits which enable a student to take an upper level course may be used to meet one semester of this requirement.
  • 4. Mathematics: one year of calculus. Advanced placement credits may satisfy this requirement (Calculus AB – 1 semester, Calculus BC – 2 semesters). A course in statistics does not meet this requirement.
  • 5. Expository Writing: one year. Writing skills are important for the study and practice of medicine. This requirement may be met with any non-science courses that involve substantial experience in expository writing. Advanced placement credits cannot be used to satisfy this requirement.
  • 6. Additional requirements for the HST Program: Requirements are the same as above except that calculus including differential equations and one year of calculus-based physics in college are required. A course in biochemistry is strongly encouraged before matriculation.We will consider other course formats or combinations that are sponsored by the undergraduate institution attended and provide equivalent preparation. When advanced placement credits used to satisfy portions of the chemistry, physics, or mathematics requirements noted above, scores from the AP examination must be submitted prior to matriculation. If these credits are not shown on the college transcript, either the scores from the placement examination or a letter from the chairperson of the respective department certifying that the student has met the requirement in question must be submitted. If there is doubt about the suitability of advanced placement credits, you should contact the Faculty Associate Dean for Admissions for approval before final admissions decisions are made in February.

    Recommended Courses

    We encourage candidates to complete at least 16 hours in literature, languages, the arts, humanities, and the social sciences and become familiar with computers. We also recommend honors courses and independent study or research, as they offer in-depth exploration of an area of knowledge.


    Travis – Turn

    I want to see what people saw
    I want to feel like I felt before
    I want to see the kingdom come
    I want to feel forever young
    I want to sing
    To sing my song
    I want to live in a world where I belong
    I want to live
    I will survive

    And I believe that it won’t be very long
    If we turn, turn, turn, turn, turn
    Then we might learn
    So where’s the stars?
    Up in the sky
    And what’s the moon?
    A big balloon
    We’ll never know unless we grow
    There’s so much world outside the door
    I want to sing
    To sing my song
    I want to live in a world where I’ll be strong
    I want to live
    I will survive
    And I believe that it won’t be very long
    If we turn, turn, turn, turn
    And if we turn, turn, turn, turn
    Then we might learn
    Turn, turn, turn, turn
    Turn, turn, turn
    And if we turn, turn, turn, turn
    Then we might learn
    Learn to turn


    背景音乐:Linkin Park -Hands Held High
    在经过一年的摸索后,我对神经心理学的兴趣已经被主观判断(若干职业及人格量表)及客观事实(大一GPA)证实,除了情绪自控力有待考证和提升,未来的几个选项已经敲定。不打算隐瞒什么了,因为老娘打算用这篇日志铭志,有一些选项父母知道,当年要么以为我开玩笑,要么表示不屑或不赞同。在征得“你自己对自己负责”的默许后,我打算试一试,做一个完全个人的决定,本科神经心理学不影响研究生时改行学管理,但是我还是想在医学的路上留下几个脚印,如果不幸深陷泥沼,再向爸寻求帮助改行,家族的长项失传是件可惜的事,但是年轻的时候没去尝试走自己的路更遗憾。我的志愿分三个等级:由高(难)到低(易):脑神经外科医生(Neurosurgeon),精神分析师(Psychiatrist),临床心理学家(Clinical Psychologist),前两个选项须考入Medical School,如果失败,则考Graduate School 完成第三选项。前两个选项要求本科对药学有一定基础,因此有必要Take another major in Pharmocology or Biochemistry.此外,后两个选项对语言要求很高,这是目前老娘最头疼的问题,在经过和老外一年“同居”的宿舍生活和四个月“同工”的生活后,我发现人性和基本价值观是不以地域和文化转移的,个人的人种及人群分类能力有显著提高。文化常识可以经由Social Science和Humanity的选修课补充(我要把它们当成主修来对待)。
    支撑课程:Biology,Biochemistry,Physiology,Philosophy,Statistics,Anthropology,Religion Study 核心分支为:临床心理学(Affective Disorder抑郁症),精神病学(Schizophrenia精神分裂症,MPD多重人格障碍),犯罪心理学(Substance Abuse成瘾机制,Antisocial Personality反社会人格),性心理学(Sexuality Mental Maladjustment 性心理障碍;Homosexuality同性恋).
    07/01/2007  萧于香港回归十年时上路…


    Cognition of a Street by Normal People

    The picture of the street in reality

    Cognition of the street by a patient suffering Schizophrenia




    Schizophrenia, Cognition, Bats, and Limitation      


      Consciousness has been defined as a kind of self awareness; the knowledge that we exist, and the ability to understand reality (even philosophize it). When pondering the validity of his own existence, Descartes reach the conclusion: cogito ergo sum: I think therefore I am. Even if there was some being controlling his body and there was no reality, by thinking he must exist. This is ray of light we are given by consciousness. Ultimately, consciousness does give us more than proof of existence. It gives the ability to rationalize and make sense of our existence and our reality.

    As much strength as consciousness gives us it is still dependant on the mind, which is vulnerable its many inherent weaknesses. The human mind is as fragile as porcelain, susceptible to being shattered by bad luck or having its weaker parts chipped with just a slight of hand. Injury and stroke can have a shattering effect to the mind, resulting in severe changes of personality, loss of mental functions and  behaviors, and even death. Just like the thin rim of a cup is at risk to chipping, the mind has its own frailties. Genetic predisposition coupled with environmental influences (such as stress) can cause deterioration of the brain or onset of mental diseases. In addition to being fragile, the mind is also as intricate as knitted scarf with everything connected. Such as a scarf coming apart from a tear in the yarn, deterioration of a lower level process can block higher related processes. In the psychological disorder schizophrenia, consciousness and many cognitive processes are in jeopardy  when structure and function of the brain is altered. Implications of these cognitive effects in schizophrenic patients challenge and expand many of the currently held dogmas relating to the mind. Also studies of schizophrenia can lead to clearer recognition of the scientific limitations in understanding and treating schizophrenia, and the boundaries of human ability in conceptualizing mentality.  

    Defining Schizophrenia (brief overview)  

    Symptoms of schizophrenia are debilitating to patients, especially when left untreated. Schizophrenia is known to have both positive and negative symptoms, positive pertaining to abnormal added behaviors and negative being the loss of innately human behaviors and mind states. Positive symptoms may include hallucinations (visual and auditory), racing thoughts, paranoia, and delusions (Finlay, 2002). Negative symptoms consist of apathy, dysfunctional/deficient social behavior (including inadequate hygiene and poor social interaction), loss of emotion, and loss of working memory (Finlay, 2002). This disease is spread across all humans regardless of sex or culture, actually affecting 1% of the global population. This indicates the very essence the human mind, its functionality, and weaknesses are what have brought about the disease.  Although schizophrenia is widespread, there is a genetic predisposition towards the disease, with environmental influences often bringing about the disease from the predisposition (Finlay, 2002). Two such environmental influences that can trigger schizophrenia or worsen schizophrenia include stress and recreational drug use (Finlay, 2002). Acute (sudden) or insidious (slow) onset of schizophrenia typically occurs in the patients?adolescence or early adulthood (Finlay, 2002). Schizophrenia, like many other biologically based diseases causes structural and functional changes within the body, specifically the brain (Finlay, 2002). 


    Qualia of Schizophrenia  

    One of the essential ideas brought across in cognitive science is that we only can only know what is in our own head. To deduce anything about another persons mind we must observe his behavior. Then we try to recall or empathize our own mind state when we behave in a similar way. In truth, this has gotten humans far when it comes to understanding each other, but it is not without limitations. In the paper 揈piphenomenal Qualia? author Frank Jackson describes an individual (Fred) who can discriminate a shade of red unperceivable to any other human. This different shade of red is actually a color with its own intrinsic properties, so Fred can identify it under any circumstance and sensitive tests of the light spectrum (Jackson, 1982). Jackson argues that seeing this red is a result of our senses and therefore there is a unique feeling or state associated with this specific red. Qualia, being a product of the senses, has an associated feeling or brain state to the experience independent from behavior (Jackson, 1982).

    Qualia is further expanded in the paper, What is it like to be a bat??by Thomas Nagel. In this paper Nagel argues we currently have no real idea of a rationalization of the  physical nature of a mental phenomenon. Nagel continues his argument stating that humans can relate to conscious organisms because humans understand something it is like to be that organism? In the case of bats there is something it is like to be the bat. An example of this is that bats uniquely sense the external world with sonar or echolocation (Nagel, 1974). So there is this unique mental state of echolocation for viewing the world (Nagel, 1974). Thus we can infer that there is a qualia unique to being a bat as opposed to being a human.

    Given a bat is a completely different species with a very differently wired brain,  there is a large qualia gap between bats and humans, in comparison to the qualia gap between schizophrenics and non-schizophrenics. With different levels of qualia there will be some shared between patients and non-patients. With 1% of the population affected by schizophrenia (Finlay, 2002), one can infer that the characteristic of the disease (at a smaller level) is advantageous to humans existence and some extent of the mind states are shared. For example, a slight fear of the dark may have prevented deaths of our ancient ancestors so the trait of dark phobia was naturally selected. Phenotypes, varying degrees of a trait, have curved data and variance statistics. Unfortunately, outliers of character expression can be so severe that advantages shift to disadvantages, slight fear to paranoia for example. So, one can argue that there is some sharing of the qualia ranging from fear to paranoia. However, just as we cannot know what it is like for a bat to be a bat, we as non-schizophrenics cannot know the full extent of what it is like to be schizophrenic. We must imagine the extrapolation of fear to try to feel paranoia without having experienced it ourselves, and those imaginations are definitely limited by awareness. Thus schizophrenia has qualia that cannot be entirely felt without the structural and functional changes intrinsic to the disease.  

    Cases of Schizophrenia  

    Schizophrenia has the qualia of altering the perception of consciousness and reality. Consider these three peoples experiences of schizophrenic episodes:  

    Snyder’s account:

                His onset was insidious, beginning with grandiose thoughts similar to that of the movie ?(Snyder, 2006). Snyder believed he could derive the fundamentals of fractals to get a unifying math theory and became so obsessed with the idea he was unable to continue college (Snyder, 2006). As years passed his schizophrenia progressed from slight paranoid acts, bolting doors of the house to keep out murderers, to becoming convinced that people were constantly watching him (Snyder, 2006). Eventually this delusion progress to the point in which he believed there was a group of watchers dedicated to observing everything (Snyder, 2006), These watchers where spying on him, not only from all public places, but also from every security camera (Snyder, 2006). It reached the point where Snyder believed they were responsible for all his external hardship (e.g. parking tickets) (Snyder, 2006).  

    Stefanidis’s account:

                Erin Stefanidis, ironically, was a graduate student in a neuroscience program when schizophrenia hit her (Stefanidis, 2006). Despite all her education relating to the mind she was unable to rationalize herself away from her skewed reality of schizophrenia (Stefanidis, 2006). Instead of rationalizing the truth she rationalized how the delusions could be true, even using neurology to justify them (Stefanidis, 2006). She received her voice hallucination from the Deep Meaning?who convinced her that rats were in her head gnawing at her occipital lobe (Stefanidis, 2006). Given her studies she knew if this was true she would lose her vision so she rationalized that she was regenerating the neurons and their connections (Stefanidis, 2006). As her schizophrenia progressed she became convinced her neighbor spied on her, then broke into her house and implanted a tracking device in her stomach (Stefanidis, 2006). To rationalize that there was no evidence of a break-in, and no marks of an incision on her stomach, she concluded her neighbor and the tracking device were atomized (Stefanidis, 2006). Atomized, as she defined it, is when each of the atoms composing her neighbor and the device can be dissembled, brought through the barrier (either the house or her stomach), and then reassembled (Stefanidis, 2006).  

    Cruickshank’s account:

                Andrew had the delusion that his wife was a cop trying to frame him (Cruickshank, 2006). This delusions put him in a mental hospital because it put his wife and son at risk (Cruickshank, 2006). After hospitalization, his wife divorced him, he did not receive custody of his son, and he was put on medication (Cruickshank, 2006). With everything combine he went into depression, After nearly a year of feeling lifeless and sleeping most of the time he decided to stop taking his medication and within 4 months the murmurs of voices began (Cruickshank, 2006). Within a few months he was convinced cameras were in his eyes, crows were sent as spies, and his son might be a borg? If his son was not a borg, then a friend was actually the father (at which point he gave his friend a death threat over the phone), and everyone close to him was involved in the conspiracy to frame him for several terrible crimes (rape, murder, pedophilia) (Cruickshank, 2006).


                Clearly one can argue for these patients there is something like being what they are, feeling the way they feel. In other words there is a qualia of incorrectly believing one is constantly being watched, that rats are inside ones mind gnawing at neurons, or that there are cameras inserting within ones eye that a group of people monitor. This paranoid irrational qualia of schizophrenia cannot be experience in the non-patients. For feelings and beliefs such as the ones experienced by schizophrenics, mental states must exist that account for the qualia. Since mental states reside within the brain, changes to the brain changes the nature of the qualia. Given specific external input, there are many changes seen in the brains of schizophrenics.

    Numerous changes in the brain of schizophrenics has been observed in scientific research. One such change is that there has been sufficient and significant evidence to infer the medial temporal lobe (believe to be responsible for episodic or declarative memory) is actually smaller in schizophrenics than the non-schizophrenic population (Sim, 2006). Further studies suggest that the positive affects of schizophrenia, the active psychosis, cause the release of neurotoxins in the brain, leading to neuron deterioration (McGlaushan, 2006). Similar to Alzheimer抯 disease or syphilis, postmortem investigation shows neuronal death in schizophrenics and a decrease of synaptic connections (McGlaushan, 2006). With deficits such as those listed it can be safely stated that the mind of a schizophrenic is vastly different.

    Since the mind of a schizophrenic is different we can make inferences about the qualia of schizophrenic versus non-patient. Given significantly different brains it can be inferred that a schizophrenics mind states are also different. Assuming mind states are different, then qualia is unique for the schizophrenic and the non-patient. Thus an individual with a non-schizophrenic mind do not even have the necessary tools to experience the qualia of a schizophrenic mind. As Nagel said, yet if I try to imagine this, I am restricted to the resources of my own mind, and those are inadequate to the task?(Nagel, 1974).

                Restrictions pertaining to our ability to fully experience qualia of brain states other than our own lead to an understanding of the limit of our scientific knowledge. No amounts of words can lead humans to the qualia of being a bat (Nagel, 1974). Similarly no amount of qualia can lead a person with non-schizophrenic mind to understand the qualia of what is like to interpret the world with a schizophrenic viewpoint. Experiencing a camera coming from your eyes is quite different than  imagining. Personally speaking, I have always thought with my neurological education something such as schizophrenia would not be accepted by my rational mind. However, after reading Erin Stefanidis’s case clearly I was wrong further proving that one cannot know a schizophrenic mind state or qualia without having the mind state themselves. Based off similar conclusion, Nagel brings up the point that currently there are limitations to our mind, one of which is the qualia of another person. Building off this idea, qualia is not something we are able to break down into its fundamental parts and because we are unable to do that we are limited to treatment as a hit and miss situation.   


    As stated in the beginning, humans have been given the gift of consciousness and cognition. However underlying this gift is the mind which is as fragile as a porcelain cup and as intricate as  a knitted scarf. Injury, stroke, neurochemistry can all cause damage to the mind. With processes of the mind relying on one another damage to one part can cause a chain of detriment to the other brain processes. Schizophrenia is one of the ways the delicate balance of consciousness, cognition, and the mind can be broken. Schizophrenia leaves its victims with altered mind states disconnecting them from reality with hallucinations, delusions, loss of emotion, and loss of memory.

    Altered states of the mind lead to different qualias of which are unexplainable and can only be understood by actually experiencing them. This limits our ability to scientifically dissect cognition, qualia, and consciousness. Furthermore we do not have all the tools to properly treat the test. For example, we use fMRIs to diagnose patients fairly efficiently. But understanding the readings like the one at the top of the page is like trying to understand humans from satellite images of the lights on earth taken in the night time by satellite. We can see the big cities and large roads however we cannot see all the small equally important towns and small roads. Instead we are left relying on more of a hit and miss approach leaving many patients suffering symptoms of trail and error diagnoses. Cognition is a gift however many aspects of this gift remain a mystery. 


     Cruickshank, Andrew. (2006) Dairy of a Paranoid Schizophrenic. Schizophrenia Bulletin.

    Vol. 32. No. 4. p 614-15.

    Finlay, Janet. (2002). Schizophrenia. Research Channel. University of Washington.*

    Jackson, Frank. (1982). Epiphenomenal Qualia. The Philosophy Quarterly. Vol. 32, No.

    127. p 127- 136.

    McGlashan, T. Is Active Psychosis Neurotoxin? Schizophrenia Bulletin. Vol. 32 No. 4 p.


    Nagel, Thomas. (1974). What is it like to be a bat? The Philosophical Review. Vol. 83.

    No. 4. p 435-450.

    Sim, K, et al. (2006). Hippocampal and Parahippocampal Volumes in Schizophrenia: A

    Structure MRI Study. Schizophrenia Bulletin. Vol. 23. No. 2. p 332-340.

    Snyder, Kurt. (2006). Kurt Snyder抯 Personal Experience with Schizophrenia.

    Schizophrenia Bulletin. Vol. 32. No. 2. p 209-211

    Stefanidis, Erin. (2006). Being Rational. Schizophrenia Bulletin. Vol. 32. No. 3. p 422-
